Party: non-party 30 April 1789 -4 March 1797 the Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in the American War of independence and the first president of the United States. Since the United States played an important role in the war of independence, it is considered to be one of the most important personalities in its history. The top 100 people in Washington's top-rated list are is next.
Party: Federalist March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1901 the First Vice President and second president in the history of the United States. He's the president. He was born in the town of Braintree, near Boston, in the state of Massachusetts, and died in the town of Quincy, near Boston.
On April 13, 1743, Thomas Jefferson was born as the third of ten children of his family. As the principal author of the American Declaration of independence and as the Republican movement in the United States defends and spreads its ideals, it is considered to be one of the most influential fathers of the United States. Jefferson defied industrialization during his mission. The 50th anniversary of the United States. he died on Independence Day. 2. President John Adams died a few hours ago. His last words are "Is it the fourth?""(Four today?)) it happened.
4: James Madison
Party: Democratic Republic March 4, 1809 - March 4, 1817 the United States Constitution and the Declaration of rights is recognized as the "Father of the Constitution" because of its leading position in drafting and defending. He founded the Madison farm in Montpelier Virginia and owned hundreds of slaves throughout his life. After the Constitutional Congress, he became one of the leaders of the political movement working for the approval of the Constitution in both the country and in Virginia.
Party: Democratic Republic March 4, 1809-March 4, 1817 Monroe doctrine is known. "America is Americans." Monroe's presidency was a period of prosperity within the country and peace in foreign relations. Monroe published a presidential message in 1823, explaining the principles of the USA's isolation from European problems and the closure of the American continent from Europe. Monroe was born in Virginia as the Son of a farmer.
6: John Quincy Adams
Party: Democratic - Republican March 4, 1825 – March 4, 1829 in the delegations related to the receipt of Oregon from the British, Florida from the Spanish, President Madison was appointed as Minister of state. He formulated Monroe's doctor, known as the President's name. He spent considerable efforts in the formation of the American system and the establishment of the federal structure.
7: Andrew Jackson
March 4, 1829 – March 4, 1837 Jackson passed into history as one of the Presidents who left a mark in the United States. Andrew Jackson was once known for his removal of the American Central Bank and the forced relocation and placement of the Indians in the area from Southeast to the west of Mississippi. Jackson's followers have established the modern Democratic Party. He was named "Old Hickory" because of his hardness and aggressive personality. He owned a slave Ranch. Some of his frequent duels have resulted in the death of his opponents. Jackson's picture is on the front of $ 20.
8: Martin Van Buren
Party: Democratic Party March 4, 1837-March 4, 1841 Vice President and 10. He served as Foreign Minister. Martin Van Buren is the first non-British President of the United States. Van Buren, originally Dutch, was also the First President of the United States to be born after the American Revolution. Martin Van Buren, along with Thomas Jefferson in the United States, is one of the two presidents who served as President, Vice President and Foreign Minister.
9: William H. Harrison
Party: Whig 4 March 1841 – April 4, 1841 (died on duty) is an American General. He's the shortest-term American president. It only lasted 31 days. After his election as president, he died in 1841.
10: John Tyler
Party: Whig 4 April 1841 – 4 March 1845 Without Party 13 September 1841 – 4 March 1845 10. The President of the United States. The time of power from April 6, 1841 to March 4, 1845.
11: James K. Polk
Party: Democratic Party 4 March 1845 – 4 March 1849 reduced tariffs and established a new fiscal system that was implemented until 1913. He was the first U.S. President to give up reelection as President of the United States and resign after only one term of Office. He died only three months after his presidency. The Guadalupe Hidalgo Agreement, which provided Oregon territory to the United States covering today's provinces of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and ended the Mexican-American War, acquired another 3.1 million square kilometres of land. Polk's mandate coincided with the establishment of the United States Naval Academy and the Smithsonian Institute, as well as the construction of Washington Monument and the use of the U.S. Postal stamp.
12: Zachary Taylor
Party: Whig March 4, 1849 – July 9, 1850 (died on Duty) American general. 12 Of The United States Of America. he's the president. His term of office lasted from 4 March 1849 to 9 July 1850.
13: Millard Fillmore
The party: Whig 9 July 1850 – 4 March 1853 the candidate for the Anti-Masonic political party, which was founded in 1828, was able to enter the New York State Assembly and served from 1829 to 1831.
14: Franklin Pierce
Party: Democratic Party 4 March 1853 – 4 March 1857 when in power, 4 March 1853 to 4 March 1857.
15: James Buchanan
Party: Democratic Party 4 March 1857 – 4 March 1861 ruling period lasted 4 years. The first marine Telegraph was made with the Queen of England. (1857-1861).
16: Abraham Lincoln
Party: Republican Party 4 March 1861 – 15 April 1865 (died on Duty) the farmer was born in a hut as the first child of a family. He is the First President of the Republican Party. He retained the unity of the country and ended slavery before the presidential elections in 1860. He has twice nominated to enter the U.S. Senate, but has failed. Lincoln was the first U.S. President to die of the assassination. It is considered one of the best U.S. presidents in historical evaluations. On April 14, 1865, he was gunned down while watching our American Cousin play with his wife and two guests.
17: Andrew Andrew
Party: Democratic Party 15 April 1865– 4 March 1869 the division of the United States into two and guided the country immediately after the Civil War. After his death on April 15, 1865, he served as the Vice President of Abraham Lincoln.
18: Ulysses S. Grant
Republican Party 4 March 1869 – 4 March 1877 in the American Civil War, the northern Union (Union) took over the commander-in-chief of the international fame. A group of Republican Parties led by Roscoe Conklink tried to make grant run for president again, but failed to succeed. When grant found out he was going to die of laryngeal cancer, she began to collect her memories in a two-volume book to provide financial support to her family. He died a few days after completing his biography of personal Memoirs.
19: Rutherford B. Hayes
Party: Republican Party March 4, 1877 – March 4, 1881 19. The President of the United States. The time of power lasted from 4 March 1877 to 3 March 1881.
20: James A. Garfield
Party: Republican Party 4 March 1881 – 19 September 1881 (died on duty) is German origin. It was revealed in the autopsy after the assassination of James A. The bullet that hit Garfield wasn't in a vital area. However, Willard bliss, the first doctor to intervene, pierced the liver of another doctor who intervened with his hand in a non-sterile environment. James Abram Garfield died because he returned to a half-meter channel.
21: Chester A. Arthur
Party: Republican Party 19 September 1881-4 March 1885 the time of power lasted from 19 September 1881 to 3 March 1885.
22: Grover Cleveland
Party: Democratic Party March 4, 1885 -4 March 1889 22. and 24. President of the United States 4 March 1885 - 3 March 1889 and 4 March 1893 - 3 March 1897. He also has the characteristic of the only one who is the President again after losing the election. "Paternalism should not be believed by the public. The public should be taught to support state services other than state functions for paternalistic purposes."remember by His Word.
23: Benjamin Harrison
Party: Republican Party March 4, 1889 – March 4, 1893 23. The President of the United States. He was president between 1889-1893. William H. He's Harrison's grandson.
24: Grover Cleveland
Party: the Democratic Party has the characteristic of the only person to be re-president after losing the election on March 4, 1893-4, 1897.
25: William McKinley
Party: Republican Party 4 March 1897-14 September 1901 (died on Duty) He's a kid. In 1898, he declared war on Spain as a result of a dispute over the colonies in the Americas. As a result of the war, Cuba was given its independence, and the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Hawaii were taken over by the United States. McKinley was assassinated by Polish Leon Czolgosz on September 6, 1901, died on September 14, 1901, and replaced Vice President Theodore Roosevelt.
26: Theodore Roosevelt
The Republican Party, September 14, 1904, March 1909, was the youngest president in American history to come to the presidency at the age of 42. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. He was a member of the Republican Party and left his post at his own will at the end of 1908, when he was elected for the second time. Roosevelt, considered himself a worker peasant, tried to serve this field. He established large business sites and organized them to be managed with solid foundations. In 1903, he took hard measures on rail transport and the abolition of strikes in long-lasting coal enterprises.
27: William Howard Taft
The Republican Party is the only one who has been the President of both the executive and judicial organs of the state in the course of its life on March 4, 1909-4, 1913. He dominated many state courts. In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Taft to his government as Minister of War. He worked for World Peace. In 1921, then President Warren G. Harding was president of the Supreme Court of the United States. He stayed on this mission until his death in 1930.
28: Woodrow Wilson
Wilson, formerly an academic, was appointed as rector of Princeton University at the time of March 4, 1913-4, 1921 and was appointed as Governor of the state of New Jersey between 1911-1913. He's the second Democrat to run for two consecutive terms in the White House. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919. He's also the one who claims the famous Wilson principles.
29: Warren G. Harding
Republican Party 4 March 1921-2 August 1923 (died while on Duty) between 1921 and 1923 served as the President and died at the beginning of the post.
30: Calvin Coolidge
Party: Republican Party 2 August 1923-4 March 1929 29. Vice President and 30. He's the president. Warren G. in 1923. As a result of Harding's death at the time, he was the Vice President. He won the elections in 1924 and continued his presidency until 1929. The presidency period between the two world wars was relatively uneventful. In 1929, he left politics and died in 1933.
31:Herbert C. Hoover
The New York Stock Exchange collapsed 7 months after the Republican Party became president on March 4, 1929 – March 4, 1933 and was stuck in the biggest economic crisis in the history of the United States. This crisis continued throughout Hoover's presidency. The next choice is Franklin D. He lost it to Roosevelt with a big difference. He wrote books and articles. He consulted the Presidents who came after him. He died in 1964 in New York City when he was 90.
32: Franklin D. Roosevelt
Party: Democratic Party March 4, 1933-April 12, 1945 (died on Duty) the longest-standing President of the United States. 4 times selected.Since the U.S. laws were later amended, it is not possible for any President to be elected more than two times in accordance with the applicable laws. He got polio in 1921. He couldn't walk again because of a stroke on his legs. He couldn't go anywhere without a wheelchair, but he was able to stand up and stand up and make speeches. He was assassinated in 1933, survived the attack without any injuries. In 1939, II. In World War I, the United States remained neutral first. Japan's attack on the United States He was involved in World War II. In 1945, he suddenly became ill and died on his own.
33: Harry S. Truman
Party: Democratic Party April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953 Mission, it is a result of the death of Roosevelt. When he came to the presidency, he was the second president. It was the last months of World War II. In August 1945, he decided to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the grounds of winning the war more quickly, and not only caused the deaths of thousands of people, but also caused great distress for the next generation of Japanese people. In 1949, they established a NATO organization headed by the United States. Eastern European countries formed the Warsaw Pact. So the Cold War began in Truman time. Truman believed in the principle that it should fight against the USSR and the pro-countries at all costs. This principle is called Truman doctrine.
34: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Party: Republican Party 20 January 1953-20 January 1961 II. He was the commander-in-Chief of allied forces in Western Europe during World War II. He was the first Commander-in-chief of NATO. During the presidential term, he maintained the ceasefire in the Korean War, continued the pressure on the Soviet Union during the Cold War, produced nuclear weapons on the grounds of Defense priorities, and launched the space race. With the 1953 coup in Iran, he played an active role in the overthrow of Muhammad Musaddik and replacing Shah Muhammad Riza Pahlavi. He owed his rapid rise to his knowledge and skills in military strategy and organization, as well as to his ability to persuade, find, and act in harmony. When he left the mission, he retired to his farm and gave most of his time to write his memoirs.
35:John F. Kennedy
Party: Democratic Party 20 January 1961 22 November 1963 (died on Duty) after Roosevelt, 44 years of age, came to serve as the youngest President. Pulitzer is the only U.S. President to win the prize. Kennedy was killed in Dallas in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, who was arrested after the assassination, was charged with the assassination. He was shot and killed two days after his arrest. The Warren Commission investigating the Kennedy assassination with the FBI officially concluded that Oswald had committed the assassination alone.In the 1978 investigation, he concluded that the bullets that killed Kennedy were fired by Oswald, but Kennedy could have been the victim of a conspiracy.
36: Lyndon B. chief Johnson
Party: the Democratic Party came to the Presidency on 22 November 1963-20 January 1969 on the killing of Kennedy.In the next election, he won one of the highest votes in American history and was again elected president. In 1960, he was nominated as Vice President of the Democratic Party. As a result, Johnson remained in the background during Kennedy's presidency. As a result of Kennedy's assassination, he unexpectedly found himself in the Chair.Johnson gave his first test in Cyprus. At that time, the weather was tense in Cyprus and the two NATO Allies were on the verge of a war between Turkey and Greece. In support of Greece in this crisis, he wrote a letter to the Turkish government stating that, "if an intervention is made to Cyprus, weapons sold by the United States cannot be used."He died in 1973, too.
37: Richard Nixon
Nixon, who served as the vice president of two terms (1953-61) and the President of two terms (1969-74), is the only U.S. President who has resigned from his post. His resignation came after the Watergate scandal. Nixon, an extremist anti-communist, soon joined Mccarthyism and won one of the most important successes by convicting Alger hiss, the symbol of liberalism with New Deal America (1948).
38: Gerald Ford
Republican Party 9 August 1974 – 20 January 1977 the Republican Party came to the presidency under extraordinary circumstances without any elections. Gerald Ford grew up with three step-boys in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He found out that his father was a step, but by the time he was 15. In 1974, as a result of the Watergate scandal, Nixon was forced to resign and became president. Nixon, who resigned after he was appointed President, applied for amnesty by the presidency. As a result of this Amnesty, Nixon has been indicted for corruption. Gerald Ford was very critical of this decision.
39: Jimmy Carter
Party: Democratic Party 20 January 1977-20 January 1981 is the child of a family engaged in agriculture. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. He won the election by a small margin. There was an oil crisis during his presidency. The inflation rate has reached one of the highest values in history. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Shah Mohammad Riza Pahlavi administration in Iran was overthrown and the Islamic Republic was established. The U.S. Embassy in Tehran was occupied by a group of students who encouraged the government and the embassy staff were held hostage for a period of 444 days. This lasted until the last days of Jimmy Carter's presidency, and Carter's failure to release the hostages played a major role in losing the 1980 presidential election to Ronald Reagan.
40: Ronald Reagan
The Republican Party grew up in a poor family in small towns in Northern Illinois, January 20, 1981-20, 1989. He worked as a sports announcer on various regional radio stations. After moving to Hollywood in 937, he became an actor and took part in several major productions. Reagan was elected president twice to Screen Actors Guild, the labor union for actors, where he worked to eliminate the Communist influence. Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's on November 5, 1994, never interfered with the public again. On June 5, 2004, he died of pneumonia at the age of 93 in his house in the Bel Air district of Los Angeles. Reagan was buried just before the sun set near the Presidential Library in Los Angeles, just like he wanted.
41: George H. W. W. Bush
The Republican Party is the oldest among the US presidents and vice presidents, who survived January 20, 1989-January 20, 1993, as well as the second party. World War II veteran is the last U.S. President. 43. President George W. He's Bush's father. Supporting deep political transformations in Eastern Europe, Bush met with Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev several times and signed agreements to ensure that very important steps are taken in mutual disarmament. the emergence of other indicators of economic stagnation, especially unemployment, has shaken public support for Bush. In the 1992 presidential election, Democrat candidate Bill Clinton was defeated. He put his political life together with the elections.
42: Bill Clinton
Party: Democratic Party January 20, 1993-January 20, 2001 during Clinton's presidency, the country has experienced one of the most peaceful and brightest economic periods in its history. He signed one of the lowest unemployment rates in history, one of the least inflation of 30 years, one of the times when the people were the most host, the crime rate fell the most, and the people were economically the strongest. During his mission, the White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and his sex scandal in the Oval Office were discussed for days. After the Marmara earthquake, when he visited the town of tents in Kocaeli, Erkan baby took his lap to love and sat on the agenda of the world public opinion
43: George W. Bush
Party: Republican Party 20 January 2001-20 January 2009 41. President George H. W. W. He's Bush's son. George W. Bush as the U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 votes less than his opponent Al Gore. The President was declared the President as a result of Bush's decision. The most important event during the presidency was the September 11 attacks. He sent troops to Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, to capture Osama bin Laden, who was responsible for this incident, to punish him and to dismiss the Taliban administration. On March 20, 2003, he launched the Iraq War. George W. Bush in the US presidential election in 2004 Bush was entitled to be President for the second time. George W. Bush's term ended on January 20, 2009 and handed over to President Barack Obama in the 2008 US presidential election.
44: Barack Obama
Party: Democratic Party 20 January 2009–in the 2012 US presidential election held on November 6, 2012, Mitt Romney won the election and was elected president of the United States for the second time. As the first black president in the history of the United States, he has signed one of the greatest political developments in the United States.For the past 30 years, Obama has achieved a success that no candidate for President of the Democratic Party has achieved in terms of the percentage of votes he won and the states he won.. A group of citizens living in gürpınar district of Van, Obama's 44. He celebrated his election by cutting 44 sheep. Obama handed over his post to President Donald Trump in the presidential election in 2016 on January 20, 2017.
45: Donald Trump
Born June 14, 1946, Donald Trump was forced to leave high school in the early 1960s because of the bad Situation and his departure. He then studied at the Military Academy and studied business Sciences at the Wharton Institute in Pennsylvania since 1968.He worked at Fred Trump's estate and construction firm. During his career he built hotels, casinos, golf courses, and many more and he wrote many books. In the 2000 US presidential election, he was among the candidates for the reform party. Forbes was listed as one of the world's richest 400 people by iş Magazine. Between 2004 and 2015, the NBC Channel broadcast reality show took place in the apprentice. In the presidential election held on 8 November 2016, Hillary Clinton defeated the 45th President of the United States. the President was elected.